What to Do if You Have Homeowners Claim
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A question that had recently was on what is my responsibility if I have a homeowner’s claim?
Well, the first thing I’d do is either let your agent know or let your insurance company know. Then if it’s damage to your house, you need to protect the house as best you can in. If you need tarps to put on the roof for different things like that, you want to stop any further damage.
If it’s like a theft claim or something like that where you lose property, you need to get an inventory of what was stolen. Best thing to do on the inventory, people have done, is take pictures or take a video of their house so it reminds them of what they had. Because on a loss on a homeowner’s on personal property, you have to prove that you had it.
So if you have any other questions give us a call at New Frontier and we will be sure to answer those for you.
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