When Should You Turn in a Claim?
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On a auto accident or anything like that, you should turn it in automatically, as soon as it happens, as fast as you can. On a home claim like hail or things like that, you want to have a professional come and make sure that you do have a damage.
Even though hail might have come through and hailed on the roof, doesn’t mean that there’s damage. So, my advice to you is get a roofer out there, look at it, if there’s damage then we can turn in a claim.
Main reason is you don’t want to turn in claims if they don’t pay anything out, because it shows as a loss, regardless if anything was paid out, you still get dinged as having a claim.
So if you have any other questions give us a call at New Frontier and we will be sure to answer those for you.
Let us insure your world.
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